Tax Monitoring in Manufacturing Sector and Defense Industry Discussed At a Business Panel

Tax Monitoring in Manufacturing Sector and Defense Industry Discussed At a Business Panel | Publications of the Sinimex company

Tax monitoring and preparation for integration with AIS “Nalog-3” in the manufacturing and defense industries were discussed at a business meeting held on May 17th. The event was part of a series of business meetings organized by VK Tech.

Speakers from Cinimex shared the company’s experience with tax monitoring and drew the audience’s attention to the key points to keep in mind when planning implementation of a data mart.

“First and foremost, tax monitoring is about changes inside the company, which affect not only the tax monitoring data mart, but taxpayer’s other systems and business processes as well,” commented Antonina Kulikovskaya, Senior Analyst at Cinimex.

“When planning a data mart for tax monitoring, you want to carefully consider such issues as security, failure safety and system support,” emphasized Pavel Ushakov, Senior Project Manager at Cinimex.

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