Cinimex Wins “Project Of The Year 2022” Award From Global CIO

Cinimex Wins “Project Of The Year 2022” Award From Global CIO | Sinimex company news
An ML project Segmentation 2.0 conducted by Cinimex and Rosgosstrakh won the Global CIO “Project Of The Year 2022” award in the nomination “Best Machine Learning Model For An Insurance Company”.

Segmentation 2.0 is a comprehensive project to develop new services for risk assessment, severe loss forecasting, and monitoring agent, broker and partner portfolios. The project is unique for the implemented segmentation process using both numeric primary data and client’s location (geographic segmentation). With such approach, Rosgosstrakh will be able to evaluate each customer’s personal needs and offer the best product bundle in terms of risks and price.

Projects submitted to the competition are scored by members of Global CIO professional community via an online vote. This system of free-will online voting is a hallmark of this contest.

The awards ceremony took place on January 26th in Lofthall. The event gathered CIOs and senior executives who deal with digitalization and automation on a day-to-day basis.

For more details about the project and Global CIO awards please see the link.

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