Cinimex developed a ‘Client Area’ web application for the United Credit Bureau’s Billing system

Cinimex developed a ‘Client Area’ web application for the United Credit Bureau’s Billing system | Projects of the Sinimex company
UCB’s customers can now access up-to-date information about services provided to them online.
Project Outcomes
Client Area web app with information about invoices and closing documents was developed and integrated with UCB's billing system.
Client Area is designed to improve customer service, as UCB customers can now access up-to-date information about services provided to them via a private member account.
The billing system was integrated with 1С to enable import of billing records and updated customer profiles.
Enhanced billing system allowed to streamline accounting processes and data approval by customer service managers to reduce the risks of mistakes in calculations.
Cinimex team performed a full package of works, including selection of platform, architecture design, analysis and formalization of system requirements, development, internal testing, participation in integration and business tests on customer’s site, and operations support.

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