Cinimex improves its positions in RAEX ranking

Cinimex improves its positions in RAEX ranking | Sinimex company news

Cinimex entered the Top IT Companies and Groups ranking by RAEX analytic agency. As at year-end 2021, the company ranked 23rd, having improved its position by 5 points.

Also, the company was listed among the TOP 10 IT companies and corporate groups in software development.

According to the RAEX’s annual list of top ICT companies and corporate groups, the year 2021 was successful for the domestic IT sector. The total revenue of the ranking participants of 548.2 million rubles was up by 18% (amid an 8.5% inflation rate, Russian Statistics Agency).

In addition, Andrei Sykulev, Cinimex CEO, commented to RAEX on the company's views for the future, customer demand and the most popular IT solutions on the market.

RAEX: Top IT Companies and Groups

RAEX: Top IT Companies and Groups in Software Development

Market opinions: Andrei Sykulev, Cinimex CEO

National upgrades: rankings of top IT companies and groups


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