Cinimex Improves Its Positions in the Cnews Ranking
Cinimex has improved its positions in “CNews100: The Largest IT Companies of Russia 2020” and “CNews Analytics: The Largest IT Developers of Russia 2020”, moving up and securing the spots number 88 and 26, respectively.
According to CNews, total revenue of the largest IT companies of Russia featured in the ranking was up by 28.6%, exceeding 2 trillion RUB for the first time in history. The entry threshold for CNews100 in 2020 was 1,695 million RUB – 15% higher than in 2019 (1,470 million RUB). The domestic IT market has been growing for three years in a row already.
CNews100: The Largest IT Companies of Russia 2020
CNews Analytics: The Largest IT Developers of Russia in 2020
Cinimex Recaps Its Business Results in 2020